Kate Hetherington
About the Artist
Wildlife Artist and wilderness enthusiast
Having had a lifelong love of all things flora, fauna, and art, I recently moved to Ilminster to be within the beautiful Somerset countryside and pursue my dream of being a full time wildlife artist.
At 6 years old, I decided I wanted to be like David Attenborough and become a zoologist. While many childhood dreams are replaced, I followed my heart and successfully obtained a BSc in Zoology (Hons.) from Royal Holloway University of London in 2017. Throughout these years, the only passion that almost took me off my path was my love of art and eventually, having completed my degree and knowing that academic work was not what I wanted pursue, I returned to art with great excitement.
After spending a couple of years in office work, I was ready to make the leap to full time art and moved to Somerset just before the pandemic. Since then I have been a resident artist at The Yard at Rose Mills and since moved on to Jordans Courtyard in Ilminster.
Thanks to my supportive, and enthusiastic parents, and pursuing every artistic opportunity throughout my schooling, I had the opportunity to experiment with many different media and subjects before finding my niche. Throughout A level I completed a number of different projects including the effects of global warming of wildlife, and the 100 year anniversary of the 1st World War. The extent of my experimentation even led to me winning a nationwide competition naming me the top Chinese calligrapher in the UK in 2013.
After this experimentation and in conjunction with my love of nature, my passion became realistic oil paintings of the natural world. The intimate knowledge of the physiology and behaviour of animals that I obtained as a part of my zoology degree has enabled me to create accurate and characterful animal portraits that combine my two life passions; art and nature.
Alongside commission work I am working on a collection of paintings (and hopefully 3d art in the near future) exploring the changing world around us and the limited time that we have to act and make changes to prevent irreparable damage in the worlds ecosystems. When we look out into the wilderness, we don’t immediately see the destruction and hardships that we are causing, we see beautiful landscapes filled with life and wonder and my goal is to make art that conveys the same feeling; visually beautiful images, not immediately noticeable as frightening or depressing but with meaning, and underlying foreboding that creates conversation on what we can do to make a better world for the future.